Thursday, September 16, 2010


The Atheist,

Secular Fundamentalist,


Secular Humanist Religions


"Prohibiting the Free Exercise"


Other Religions

Copyright August 27, 2010
Ronald G. Barnes


United States Constitution Amendment I
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
We have the right to pray anywhere, at any time, to any God we choose. We have the right to pledge our allegiance, display our monuments and markers, ask blessings, display the symbols of our faith and celebrate our holy days, without interference from other religions, government officials, or courts.  Laws that have been passed restricting any of the above are illegal and do not have to be obeyed, but must be repealed. Any government official who tries to enforce such laws is in violation of the their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and can be removed from office immediately.
The following is from an e-mail that I sent to friends and family in August of 2010. I t was my first attempt to seek support and to explain the insidious incursion of the atheist religion into the American way of life.
E-mail sent August 25, 2010
Subject: Vermonters want Cross Removed (Fox Nation), Utah Must Remove Crosses Honoring Police Officers, and on and on
The time has come for those who claim a religion to stop the incursion of those who practice their atheism with a religious fervor. Not believing in God is just as much a religion as believing in Him. All symbols of the atheist religion should be removed and atheist should be stopped from practicing their religion in the public forum.The request to remove any religious symbol or practice must be denied because it violates one religions rights, to accommodate the atheist religion.
Any public place without a religious symbol or practice is therefore an atheist religious location and must be allowed to have other religious symbols and practices. Atheism can be practiced only as long as it allows other religions to practice freely. To do otherwise violates the US Constitution.
The Constitution does not prohibit the practice of any religion, but it requires that no law shall be made that interferes with the free practice of any religion. If any religion is to be prohibited, the atheist religion must be the first to lose the right to practice since they will claim that they are not a religion. Therefore, If they so claim they can not be protected by the Constitution, if they do claim to be a religion, they lose the power to protest other religions.
Their symbols of religion are the lack of religious symbols, Any place lacking religious symbolism is therefore displaying the symbols of atheism. If they are allowed to display their lack of symbols, all other religions must be allowed to show their symbols and practice without the interference of the government sanctified atheist religion.
Communist/ Marxist Nations have always maintained their right to practice a lack of belief in God.Their denial of God is practiced with a religious zeal (belief),and often in meeting halls (churches),they profess a set of beliefs (doctrines),following prescribed books (holy writ),and worshiping writers, leaders, and ideas (gods).We need lawyers who can challenge these atheist religions in the courts.(
In the remainder of this booklet, I will try to make these concepts more clear and to provide a way of stopping the atheist secular religions from destroying our system of government and peaceful life style that we have known for over two-hundred years.
Fortunately most of the work is already been done Atheism and Secular Humanism are already recognized by the courts as religions. Any justice, or government official that continues to support these religions is prohibiting the free exercise of other religions and can be removed from office for failure to up hold the Constitution of the United States of America.

Chapter 1

Definitions and Misdirection

It is appropriate that we start by defining our terms, since some will surely try to dismiss the entire argument on semantics. Most people have not thought of atheism or secularism as religions, and others do not want them to be defined as such. Defining, not believing, as being as much of a religion as believing, is anathema to those who think of themselves as being above having faith in a doctrine, being, or dogma. Secular atheists want others to see them as too wise and powerful to be taken in by a set of rules or laws based on holy writ or a god like being.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Religion as:
(RELIGION 1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance 2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices 3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness 4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Examples of RELIGION:
1. Many people turn to religion for comfort in a time of crisis.
2. There are many religions, such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
3. Shinto is a religion that is unique to Japan.
4. Hockey is a religion in Canada.
5. Politics are a religion to him.
6. Where I live, high school football is religion.
7. Food is religion in this house.
Origin of RELIGION:
Middle English religioun, from Anglo-French religiun, Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back First Known Use: 13th century
Related to RELIGION:
Synonyms: credo, creed, cult, faith, persuasion Antonyms: atheism, godlessness.
One atheist denying atheism as a religion makes the following observations while posting on
"Perhaps it would also help to examine what a religion is. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, in its article on Religion, lists some characteristics of religions. The more markers that are present in a belief system, the more (religious like( it is. Because it allows for broader grey areas in the concept of religion, I prefer this over more simplistic definitions we can find in basic dictionaries. Read the list and see how atheism fares :
  1. Belief in supernatural beings (gods).
  2. A distinction between sacred and profane objects.
  3. Ritual acts focused on sacred objects.
  4. A moral code believed to be sanctioned by the gods.
  5. Characteristically religious feelings (awe, sense of mystery, sense of guilt, adoration), which tend to be aroused in the presence of sacred objects and during the practice of ritual, and which are connected in idea with the gods.
  6. Prayer and other forms of communication with gods.
  7. A world view, or a general picture of the world as a whole and the place of the individual therein.
This picture contains some specification of an over-all purpose or point of the world and an indication of how the individual fits into it. A more or less total organization of one's life based on the world view. A social group bound together by the above."
In the following pages we will use both definitions to get a clearer understanding of the degree to which atheism is a religion. By the above authors admission the more (markers that are present in a belief system, the more religious like it is(. In the following pages it will be illustrated how almost all of these are present in the atheist religion.
Note that atheism is given as an antonym of religion. In our culture we have accepted that those who do not believe in an organized religious group must be defined as godless, but not necessarily non-religious.. We have accepted terms such as atheist or agnostic as a description of these people without any further analysis of what they do believe. We have failed to question whether or not they do indeed have gods, sacred objects, rituals, a world view, credos, doctrines, holy writ, beliefs, houses of worship, and yes, even forms of prayer and awe.
Communists, Marxists, and other atheists and secular religions have approved of this misdirection, and therefore, have not challenged it. I suspect that they will challenge this work because it tears down their house of cards and exposes them to the glaring light of public scrutiny.Looking down on others for believing while claiming not to be bound by artificial beliefs and boundaries will no longer be an option. Tearing down religious symbols and ridiculing religious beliefs will no longer be a luxury for atheists to laud over other religions. Once their own doctrines and dogma are exposed, and their blind faith is understood, they can not claim superiority because others believe in gods, credos, doctrines, and holy writ. Once it is exposed that their houses of worship are supported by the federal, state, and local governments, they can no longer argue that other religions should not be allowed to use the same locations for religious meetings, prayer, and displays. They will not be able to look down on what others believe. They will be seen and understood for what they are, a religion.

Chapter 2

Atheist and Secular Religions

Citizens will no longer be misdirected into allowing elected and appointed officials to disallow their religious freedom while granting it to communists, Marxists  other atheists and secular religions.
Religion is a package of beliefs, held together by accepted doctrines, and dogma. People must meet with one another from time to time to affirm these beliefs, and to write the doctrines, and to agree on the dogma. They must demonstrate their commitment or faith to a set of attitudes, beliefs and practices so that others of the same faith or religion will accept them. A religion usually has (a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith(. Holy wars are often fought trying to defend ones own religion while attempting to destroy another.
Atheist Beliefs
Atheist with scrupulous conformity : and conscientiousness, believe in "not believing". This is as ridiculous as it sounds. This is a sophomoric way of thinking. Do you remember as a youth how you thought of yourself as an individual because you did not listen to your parents and you "did what the in crowd did". In your sophomoric mind you were being independent, exploratory, your own person, But, since everyone else was doing the same thing, in the same way, you were not expressing individualism. You were just one of the sheep following the herd. Atheists are like that. They do not want to have to accept ancient beliefs, so they listen to their friends, professors, and other contemporaries and make up a "new set of beliefs". They share these beliefs with one another in classrooms, bars, and coffee-shops and gain acceptance for their "new found" ideas. They start believing in each others belief in "not believing". They begin to believe, but they fool themselves into thinking that they do not believe. They  reason is because what they believe is "not mainstream", therefore,  it can not be a belief. They have made the ridiculous mistake of believing, that they do not believe.
Some of the more "astute" among these atheists and secular believers, will write these beliefs down, and others will teach them to new converts or non believers. These document "a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices" and  describe the dogma that is to be accepted by the faithful. This new faith is taught with ardor, and great care is taken to explain the causes and principles for each article of faith. The here-to-fore, conversations of non-belief, were written and are available in the holy books of the faith. Atheist believers continue to meet at colleges, universities, and prisons to refine their doctrine and dogma. The very best writers, speakers, and personalities are deified (made gods). Their teachings are passed on with great reverence to the future generations. Their writings have become sacred. Who has the audacity to challenge the great god Marx? Who is intelligent enough to question Lenin, Mao, or Che? Yes, A belief in gods, (perhaps not supernatural, but certainly super human, according to their secular atheist followers).
Atheists make "a distinction between sacred and profane objects". They usually make a negative distinction, but a distinction none the less. They are generally trying to tear down another individuals faith. Atheist do not like religious symbols and want them removed from their sight. No greater distinction can be made between sacred and profane objects than wanting them destroyed, or removed.
Examples of atheist performing "ritual acts focused on sacred objects" abound. The most obvious is the reverent recital of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book. To Communist nations military might is sacred and every May Day; Russia, China, North Korea, and Cuba, fly their sacred flags, and parade their sacred weapons, while crowds of worshipers chant party approved praises to the party elite (gods). Displaying this "moral code ... sanctioned by the gods" helps to assure that they will stay alive. Yes, these "gods" have power over life and death . And, they are held in "awe" by their atheistic followers.
Praying "and other forms of communication with gods" is not optional. followers must praise and follow these atheists leader gods or die. Of course some people, such as American progressive liberals, simply praise, bow, and kowtow to atheist leaders to show their supplication and servitude to the "great god".
Atheist do have "a world view, or a general picture of the world as a whole and the place of the individual therein. This picture contains some specification of an over-all purpose or point of the world and an indication of how the individual fits into it." They see themselves and those who agree with them as superior to those who believe in a creator God. They have the "world view" that they must stop others from the free practice of their religion. They further believe that religious symbols for religions other than atheism should be removed or destroyed. They are unable to tolerate other religions. Their world view is one of intolerant destruction of all other religions.
Many atheist devote time and money to "a more or less total organization of one's life based on the world view." Communist/Marxist nations and leader are definitely preoccupied in this pursuit. But, they are not the only ones so devoted. Mothers, fathers, teachers, professors, and lowly followers of the religion spend their lives fighting other religions and the symbols that they use. Organizing ones life to allow for court time to defeat other religious symbols, prayers, and speech, is a pretty good indication that "one's life is based on the world view".
The "social groups bound together by the above" can be found through-out the world. Communism and Marxism are well known groupings of atheist and secular religions. These political/socialistic economic systems are generally the source of such beliefs. Their teachings infiltrate other socio-economic systems, but the teachings originated with Marx and Lenin. Modern practitioners of the atheist religion often act independently, but they have their social and support groups in houses of worship, usually government buildings and institutions. More about this later.
Some atheists will counter with "I did not get my ideology from those people. I just do not believe the myths and stories of the bible or other ancient texts."
Who do you think destroyed societies beliefs in the myths, stories, and ancient texts? Who do you think created a new way of seeing morality, work ethics, laws, love, caring, charity, and humanity? Do you think you made it all up by yourself? do you not realize that people are sponges that absorb ideas from those around them? You are the product of those you listen to and hang around with. Atheists exist because other atheists have written, lectured, sued, and generally proselytize for their religion.
If you are an atheist it is time for you to ask yourself; why do you believe in the atheist religion? If you are encountering an atheist, you can now question their religion, their reasons, and their resolve.
We will look at the dogma and doctrines in more detail next, then we will discuss atheist gods, and houses of worship. By the end of this chapter you should have no question that atheism is a religion with a common ideology, a common source, and gods.
Atheist Doctrines and Dogma
Atheistic religions do not post their doctrines, but anyone who watches the news or reads can see some of the following actions and behaviors, and recognize that they are applauded by the secular and atheist religions at large.
  1. Other religions interfere with atheist and secular religions freedoms. But, atheists and secularists have a right to force their religion on others.
  2. Praying in public is not allowed, unless of course one is quoting Marx, Mao or some other atheistic, secular,  or communistic teaching.
  3. Praying in a public place is not allowed, but atheist are free to shout down and spew hatred at those who are praying. Those who pray in public can be sued, fined and imprisoned for violating atheists rights.
  4. The founders did not want prayer in public places because an atheist might hear it and be damaged for life or even converted to another religion.
  5. Prayer in schools violates atheist rights and will hurt atheist children, atheist minds are so narrow and limited that they can be damaged just by hearing a prayer. Atheist resolve and faith is based on such tenuous teachings that others could steal their children(s minds.
  6. The Constitution prevents the practice of religion in public or public places atheist won this holy war in court, so it must be right. (Please, do not confuse this atheist dogma with the true facts of the United States Constitution. This is all overturned already, and just needs you, your support, and your religion to complete the reversal of these courts rulings.).
  7. Belief in God is ridiculous, Mark, Lenin, Mao, all communists and other atheist agree on this dogmatic point.
  8. "God is dead", Nietzsche said so. Marx, Lenin and Mao support this dogma. Can these gods be wrong. Long live god Nietzsche.
  9. Religious symbols violate atheist and secular freedom, because seeing a symbol may weaken atheist faith or damage their children.
  10. Religion causes wars, this is another dogmatic point supported by communist leaders, and other devote atheist and secularists. (The Russian, Chinese, Cuban, and Laotian revolutions conducted by atheist are never  discussed or considered when making this point. Just forget about the tens of millions of people starved and murdered for the revolutions).
  11. Atheistic prayers and sermons should not look or sound like prayer they should take the form of a speech, lecture, or a book review. These can be delivered any where in any forum and will not violate the court cases won by the atheist religion. Proselytizing can take place in a public setting without being detected.
  12. Deny that atheism is a religion, since atheist do not believe that they believe in not believing. (Oh, what to d about that pesky Wisconsin ruling? We will get to that later.)
Atheist Gods
The communist/Marxist atheists revere the teachings of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Che, and Pol Pott, among others because of what they wrote or taught or because they led wars of mass murder and destruction. These men are gods to secular atheists. progressive liberals, and totalitarian supporters.
The run of the mill American atheist gets ideas from school teachers, professors, politicians, judges, and movie stars. These become their gods. (Can you imagine worshiping Sean Penn and having to rely on his "great wisdom".)
Atheist Scripture
The holy writ for atheism consists of a "bible" The Communist Manifesto published in 1848 by Marx and Engles, based upon Engels's The Principles of Communism;. There are also several "commentaries" published by Lenin, Mao, Stalin and other true believers of the atheist religion.
Atheism is  great religion for despots, because if one does not have  to answer to any god besides himself, murdering 50 to a 100 million disagreeable people does not present a problem.  They write their own holy books and make themselves the gods.
Atheist Houses of Worship
Every religion has a gathering place where doctrines and dogma can be discussed and new laws formulated to control the faithful and oppress the nonbelievers. The church or house of worship can be small and intimate like a house or dorm room, or as grand and marvelous as a government building (schools, colleges, universities, Congress, or court houses).
The atheist and secularist faithful tend to gather in educational institutions and other government buildings. There are three major reason for this:
  • Government officials sanctify the atheist religion above all others.
  • Atheist ideology can be taught and disseminated in any government building or school without challenge while suppressing or oppressing other religions, religious teachings,, or religious practices.
  • Religious leaders and practitioners have been silenced in these sacred and hallowed halls of government. (It is time for this end, reclaim your rights to religious freedom.)
All of these violate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. and government officials (justices, legislators, and executives) can and should be removed from office for failing to uphold and protect the Constitution.The high church of the atheist religion has been the court house. Only very special religious observances are conducted there and the Judges (High Priests and Priestesses to secular atheists) have either failed to recognize that they are pawns, being used by the atheist/secular religions, to harm and destroy all others religions. Or, they  fail to understand that they are violating their oath of office and can be removed for this reason alone.
The government buildings that we all own, and especially the court houses, must be returned to all of the people, and not be allowed to become the private controlling authority for atheist and secular religions.
Atheist Objectives
Atheist, secular humanists, and secular fundamentalist, who show a great commitment to the new faith are counted on to carry out new campaigns against other religions and faiths. Mainstream religious leaders and followers are taken to court in holy wars to force them to change their ways and to stop them from interfering with the new atheist/secular religious dogma. Some, are even using the courts to verify that atheism is a religion, (now there is a twist). (Here is that pesky Wisconsin ruling)
In August of 2005 "A federal court of appeals ruled ... Wisconsin prison officials violated an inmate's rights because they did not treat atheism as a religion. (Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being," the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said. The court decided the inmate's First Amendment rights were violated because the prison refused to allow him to create a study group for atheists. Brian Fahling, senior trial attorney for the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy, called the court's ruling "a sort of Alice in Wonderland jurisprudence."
"Up is down, and atheism, the antithesis of religion, is religion," said Fahling. The Supreme Court has said a religion need not be based on a belief in the existence of a supreme being. In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, the court described "secular humanism( as a religion."
Courtcase rule atheism a religion
High Marks as a Religion
Atheism/secularism meets almost all of the definitions for a religion given in Chapter 1 on the definitions pages. Atheism has gods, sacred objects, rituals, a world view, credos, doctrines, holy writ, beliefs, houses of worship, and yes, even forms of prayer and awe.
Atheism has an agenda to overturn or upset other religions. They want to control the conversations, the symbols, and the practice of other religions in an effort to put forth their own system of believing in non-belief. Most importantly, by their own effort, and admission, the point is now codified, atheism is a religion. The courts have ruled.

Chapter 3

Why Stop Interference

By Atheist and Secular Religions

We live in a free society, and we practice religious tolerance, and religious freedom. Why should we stop the atheist religion from interfering with other religions free practice of their religions? Good question.
  1. Atheism is not harmless, it does real damage to societies.
  2. It is always part of communist/Marxist revolutions.
  3. Atheism destroys the moral and legal fabric of nations, states, cities and towns.
  4. Atheism is a religion but it is not a spiritual religion.
  5. Minor atheists seldom understand the impact of their meddling. However, professional atheists know exactly what they are doing.
  6. Atheist take religious freedom away from others, and they destroy religious tolerance.
  7. Atheism is the first step towards destruction of a socio-economic system. It is a necessary step to destroying a nation.
  8. We must not allow any religion to predominate and become accepted as the "state religion".
  9. Atheist interfere with citizens rights to freely practice their religions by forcing atheist religious preferences on society.
Atheist claim to be offended by a Christmas tree in a public square, or a Hanukkah bush in the park, A manger scene in the public school is offense to them. The law of Moses chiseled in stone offends them. A Cross or Star of David or a Crescent marking the site of a fallen comrade or commemorating heroes is offense to atheists.
Wherever religious symbols have been removed, or have not been allowed to be placed,a de facto atheist symbol is created. The lack of a recognizable religious symbol where one should, or would, or could be, is atheist or secular. When a Christian looks at the empty spot where a manger scene once stood every Christmas for twenty-five years, they are reminded that atheists have taken away his right to enjoy that Christian symbol. When a Jew sees the Law of Moses, which is the basis of United States federal and local law, is  removed he knows the secular religion of atheism is following him from Russia to the United States.
Atheists generally do not see themselves as religious, but they want rights under the United States Constitution to their religious freedom. Since, they are religious they have no right to infringe on the free practice of another individuals religion. For these reasons the interference of their religion into the conduct of other religions is denied by the United States Constitution. Individuals may choose to believe what they want to believe, but they may not interfere with the free and unfettered practice of any other religion. Furthermore, the courts can not give them that right. Judges, legislatures, and executives in all levels of the government have the responsibility to ensure that all citizens are free to practice their religion freely and without pressure from other religions, the courts, law enforcement, legislatures, or executives. Further, no religion  is to be given preferential treatment or punishment by any of the branches or levels of government, Personal tastes and preferences do not trump the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United State. Failure to recognize that one is operating as a religious zealot does not give one any rights to interfere with religious practices.

Chapter 4

Stopping Atheist and Secular Interference

Atheism is and has been a government sanctified religion. How do we stop it from interfering with other religions? In communist and Marxist nations atheism is not only sanctified by the government but it is protected by the government. The government protection in these countries is not so much overt as it is covert. By denying. churches and synagogues the right to show symbols, and to openly celebrate holy days, they suppress and destroy the religion for most of the citizens. In a free society, such as the United States of America, sanctification and protection by the government is more insidious. The government hides behind legal sounding rulings ("separation of church and state") and politically correct laws ("no prayer in public places") to protect atheism and secularism at the expense of the spiritual religions.
How do we fight the government?
  • Our first line of defense is prayer. Pray for guidance and support. Ask your God how to proceed, Then follow the message that the still small voice gives you. When you have prayed privately and feel comfortable doing so, take this message public. Share it with your friends, parishioners, and religious leaders. Remember, it does not matter what you believe, or believe in, atheist will come for you sooner or later. Your belief is a threat to non believers. Why do you think atheist are so adamant about destroying the symbols and practices of the various religions? You have something that they do not have. You are supported by a community, ideals, beliefs, faith, ethics, and God. Ask for His help and you will get it.

  • This message must become mainstream. People must hear it, and read it often enough that they come to understand that atheism and secularism are religions. Politicians may need more time to absorb the message than others. But we must keep delivering the message until it is clear to politicians, judges, lawyers, and majority of the citizenry.

  • Next we must stand up for our beliefs, symbols, and practices in the courts and in the halls of Congress. Contact your legislators, give them a copy of this booklet. Educate them with this message until they listen. If they will not listen replace them with someone who will listen. You do not have to wait for the next general election to replace them. Officials who do not uphold the Constitution are violating their (oath of office(, and can be removed immediately.

  • Do not take any attack on your religion lying down. When judges try to stop the display of religious symbols at memorial sites do not remove them, fight the Judges. Let them know that they are violating their (oath of office( by supporting one religion over another, and that they will be removed from the bench if they persist.

  • The courts have already ruled that atheism and secular humanism are religions.  One religion can not be supported by the government over any other religion. Let judges, legislators, and executives know that what they are doing violates the "their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution" .

  • Explain the (separation of church and state( clause which they are so quick to use against Christianity, Judaism, and other organized religions. Force them to recognize their one sided government sanctified atheist viewpoint is exactly what the founders were wanting to prevent. 

  • Stand up for what you believe and do not let atheism or secularism control your country, state, city, schools, or public buildings.

  • Leave monuments in place, replace religious symbols to their former locations, invite court action. Have every case retried or thrown out in the light of this new knowledge and court rulings. You have the power, USE IT!

  • Finally distribute this message to everyone that you know. Make sure everyone sees it, and if they will not read it, explain it to them. Make this message mainstream. When everyone understands that atheism/secularism is the religion of the nonbeliever, the communists, the Marxists, and the godless, then our nation will return once again to true and honest understanding of what the Founding Fathers meant when they amended the United States Constitution with the First Amendment in the Bill Of Rights:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.